Seeing Double

You know a movie or song is great when you want to watch it over and over again. It has struck a cord with you, moved you in such a way you will spend time repeating the experience.

I saw Clybourne Park two times in the past month. I consider myself more of a film lover than a theatre lover, and I have never seen a play twice in my life before. And this play made me laugh and think as much as I did when I saw it the first time.

It’s such a beautiful thing to see when a cast can draw you in not just once, but twice. The material is funny, but thought provoking. Race relations is such a tricky topic to address in America, and this play does a beautiful job addressing it. It not only addresses how much farther we need to go when it comes to race equality, but how much farther we need to go when it comes to discussing and educating others about race relations. Education and discussion is key.

Both times I saw this show, there was great discussion on gentrification and the effect it has on American communities. Healthy conversation that can help clear up misconception, and even if not everyone agreed, people walked away with a better understanding of each other’s viewpoints.

It was a beautiful experience both times.

photo(3)The power of art is so strong.


Last Weekend to See “Clybourne Park!”

The Hippodrome State Theatre will continue it’s main stage run of Clybourne Park through this weekend only. It closes on Sunday, and this Tony and Pulitzer prized play is one you wont want to miss. It isn’t often that Broadway quality theater is available so far south from New York City, but it is available in Gainesville, and we at the Hipp don’t want anyone to miss out.

Plan a play into your weekend!



I Only Wish There Were Gnomes


So normally the second post on a blog relates to the topic of the blog. If it’s a food blog, you post a recipe or something like that. But the second post on my theatre intern blog is going to be about something that has been helping me as a person. As a person that deals with the stress of having an internship, a job, and school obligations. I’m going to talk about:


I haven’t figured out if I am good at it or not, but together with my boyfriend we are in it to (hopefully) win it. Even if we don’t plant our way to success, working outside with the ground as our playground brings about a special type of peace.

While I am shoveling while simultaneously sweating and cursing my decision to plant things when there is a super market right down the street, a slight breeze will blow and you question whether you have ever felt a sensation so wonderful. I see the results of my work unfold beneath me, and it feels so gratifying.

It prompted me to think that although some goal’s endings are too far to be in sight right now, they eventually will be. And if I keep working hard I won’t just be satisfied, I will feel wonderful.

Just some thoughts.

Your Hipptern,


Life’s Good When You Work at a Theatre


It’s honestly one of the best things that has happened this year. After not having an internship this summer and thinking getting a job outside acting with my theatre major would be impossible, I accepted an internship with the Hippodrome.

I have been dreaming about working with them since I was a freshman ogling at the grand theatre downtown, Gainesville. Now the time has come to work hard in a place that inspires creativity and I can’t wait!

I will be one of the videographer and marketing interns, creating content for the main stage, cinema, and other special events.

I’m a Hipptern, and I feel pretty Hipp about it.

I promise you more bad puns will occur.

